Sort of like a dream, isn't it? No, better.

In an effort to make sense of this world we have found that it is impossible. So lets make sense of the little things instead.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


If only I had more money for you :c
Dresses from Mod Cloth.

Snow Under A Microscope

This is insane and awesome in it's literal term, as in I am in awe right now.


Monday, December 27, 2010

Arm Etching

A four plate copper etching of bones, veins, arteries, and skin. This subject has always fascinated me.

Pen & Ink

Some drawings I had done from the harvest market.


A tiny etching series.

New Projects.

Some watercolors I did over the semester.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Mou Hoo

These photos fill my mind with wonder. Via.